Toke Makinwa's hubby, Maje Ayida, takes 'fitness' to another level (photos)

 He has started a new column in ThisDay newspaper - yes, Toke Makinwas is super proud of him!!!
He also has  a reality show 'The Fastest Shedder' - a show that showcases how to lose weight and keep it off. It has been on for three months now and today is the grand  finale.
While interacting with them once during the show, Dance Queen Kaffy said "In just a week in fastest shredder camp they have a totally different view of what was and what is .....and belive me they are well motivated and are ready for the challenge. They sang a song whose lyrics contain phrases like ....We been judged by the way we more hating myself no more frustration. They have discovered inner strength where dey never thought existed.some even said they thought they would die if they stopped eating or workout but here dey are on very low potions and mostly fruits nd veggies and they are still standing. I urge you all wellness is key to healthy life and we know that health is wealth . There comes a time when money is useless to securing good health. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Do something now. You might think paying for fitness programs and the like are expensive....look if u can afford 100k Brazilian hair, buy expensive phones even lavishe upto 5k at fast food joint, Trust me u might want to consider spending it on being healthy now than paying much more at a hospital years later. When factors will b mentioning ailments you will need to research their meaning. EAT CLEAN LIVE ACTIVE We are blessed in Africa we have organic food all around us than the West let's take advantage of it and learn more about our major problem we have is our portions."
Four ladies made it to the last stage today and one of them ladies shall be crowned the winner - check out their before and after photos.

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